La Visione di una Città Sostenibile

The Vision of a Sustainable City.

Imagine living in a city where every move becomes a moment of pleasure where you can breathe clean air and totally forget about the deafening traffic generated by cars.
Think you are dreaming?
You’re wrong.
This scenario is not utopian at all, but a possible reality thanks to sustainable mobility.
In an increasingly crowded and polluted urban environment, it is essential to rethink the way we move, reduce dependence on cars and promote the use of environmentally friendly means of transportation.
The bicycle, for example, can become the ideal means of transportation for many people and can be used not only occasionally in leisure time, but also for commuting to the workplace on a daily basis.
Now you may be wondering how the goal of sustainable mobility can be achieved: well, this transition requires collective efforts and strategic planning of urban spaces so that cities can become greener, livable and sustainable for all.

Rethinking urban spaces: the bicycle as a protagonist of change.

To realize the vision of sustainable mobility, it is essential to rethink urban spaces, for example, through the creation of safe and well-connected bicycle paths.
These infrastructures, however, must integrate harmoniously not only within the urban fabric, but must also extend functionally to surrounding areas, facilitating access to residential and commercial areas.
In addition, bicycle lanes must be designed to protect cyclists while encouragingbicycle use as a viable alternative to the car.
Investing in an efficient bicycle network not only improves air quality and reducesnoise pollution, but also promotes a more active and healthy lifestyle for citizens.
“Bike to work” reduces CO2 emissions, improves the physical and mental well-being of workers, and makes for a more equitable city, as dependence on private vehicles is consequently decreased and mobility is made accessible to all.
However, sustainable mobility is not limited solely to bicycle use; public transportation, for example, comes into play, promoting a shift away from private transportation.
Among the most effective solutions we have:

  • carpooling;
  • car sharing;
  • The strengthening of local transportation;
  • Integrated transportation planning;
  • The adoption of apps and infomobility systems.

These strategies must surely be supported by the construction of new bike lanes, the implementation of tolling and pricing policies, and the promotion of e-mobility.

SFS’s Commitment to Sustainable Mobility.

A mobility system is environmentally sustainable if it minimizes the negative effects on the environment caused by human travel.
It is for this reason that we at SFS also intend to be part of this positive change through the careful study of sustainable mobility solutions for each of our projects, promoting “bike to work” and applying it as much as possible ourselves.
Our initiatives aim to connect logistics properties with safe bike paths, facilitating workers in their daily commute and helping companies improve their ethical image through a concrete commitment to sustainability.
Sustainable mobility should be understood as a collective responsibility and, through proper planning and a change in mindset, can transform cities into places where the well-being of citizens and the health of the planet go hand in hand.
Together, we can make this vision a tangible reality, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for all.


Matthew Mangiolino

Project Leader

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