

SFS has always been sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability and respect for the spaces in which we live. That is why it has made sustainability its guiding principle, including a section devoted to the development of the sixth BIM dimension (6d) within its work. Sustainability is then declined in all its facets (environmental, economic, social and management), integrated with new technologies and vanguards in the field.

Analysis, evaluation and interpretation thus become the guidelines that SFS follows from the earliest stages of project development, with the aim of systematically addressing these issues.

Respect for spaces

in which we live

These methodologies become effective if they are structured as models that are simple in application, can be used for different types of development, and above all are capable of providing immediate feedback on a sustainability judgment in order to determine effective and efficient choices.

Experts in the environmental component, our goal is to specialize SFS in the Social and Governance components as well.

At SFS, when designing a green space, we aim to:

Seeking alternative solutions

Understand and translate Customer's needs into concrete actions

Train to always be one step ahead

Getting out of obsolete and traditional patterns



In doing design, we cannot help but think about the sustainability of a project. Everything must be sustainable (a play, a trip, a concert, a soccer game): in the highest concept of sustainability this must be the principle.

We do this because being planners also means being planners. What does it mean? It means that we have to think in a long-term perspective, that is, over the long term, because we design a world not only for ourselves but for everyone. Therefore, we have to design in the right way.

We do not inherit the land from our parents, but we borrow it from our children.

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